Saturday, February 11, 2006 | Y-Files...

* Why do we have the weird ineffecient QWERTY keyboards for our PCs?

The reason is a bit funny. Apparently, when the Typewriter manufacturers started out, the keyboard layout was straight sequential i.e. A B C D E ... Apparently after gaining some expertise, the users started typing very fast. However, that lead to one problem. The Typewriter hammers that etch out the characters started colliding and eventually started getting stuck. This was causing the Typewriter companies a bit of misery. So effectively to slow down the users, they came up with QWERTY layout. Ever since we have stuck to that layout. Once certain habits get deep rooted, they are very difficult to change. Due to inefficient technology of the original Typewriter manufacturers, we are stuck with an inefficient keyboard layout.

* Why do we feel alert and energized after a cup of Coffee?

First of all, we need to understand how we get into the phase where you start feeling sleepy/tired. When our brain cells become overworked, they release adenosine which triggers the braincells to go into drowsy mode which causes fatigue/sleepiness. Caffeine, however, tricks brain cells by blocking the spots where adenosine would normally enter. Instead of slowing down because of the adenosine level, cells speed up. Brain activity increases so we feel alert and energized. All the excitement in the brain triggers other responses – the heart beats faster, blood vessels adjust flow, breathing tubes expand, and muscles tighten.

* Why do people dream?

The phenomenon probably is not fully understood. However, the general consensus is that dreaming helps our brains grow, by exciting our neurons.

* Why is yawning catching?

I think the reason is rooted in the reason as to why we yawn in the first place. If you notice, you will generally tend to yawn in a closed stale environment where there is less air circulation. Body detecting the lack of oxygen, stimulates our mouth muscles to open up wide in order to gulp big chunks of air. Which is nothing but the process of yawning. Since the same environment is shared by folks around you, they too start yawning.

* Why do mints make your mouth cool?

To understand the reason, we have to go back and revise the phenomenon of evaporation. You might know that evaporation causes a cooling process. For example, if you let coffee or any hot liquid sit open in the air, after a while the hot steam gets evaporated and the liquid cools down. OK now coming to back to our pepermints ... mints actually contain menthol ... a sort of sugar alcohol which evaporates the moment it hits our warm, moist tongue. This in turn causes the alchol to evaporate which in turn leads to the cooling at the point of contact. But why is it so distinct? ... the primary reason is due to the sensitive nerve endings in our mouth.

* Why do people get puffed up at the success?

One of the possibile explanations ... manifestation of Success in physical form is more to signal potential mates of the Winner's superiority which probably aids in mate selection.

Coming soon ...

* Why are TVs black and PCs white?
* Why do I remember the scary parts of movies so clearly?
* Why do you get dizzy standing on top of a tall building?
* Why do wheels sometimes look like they are spinning backwards?
* Why are things Colored?
* Why do we laugh?


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